Where the useless go to die.

Where the useless go to die.

If I were a better person, I’d avoid gloating. However, these folks deserve it. And so do the folks who opted to write in Clinton. I understand your impulse, she would have made an awesome president as well. Maybe we’ll see in 8 years. Until then, shut the fuck up. Had you spent half as much time trying to defeat prop 8 as you did trying to tear down Obama, perhaps that situation wouldn’t be so fucking bleak. The democratic party doesn’t need you anymore, so much for your power in numbers. Take Carville with you, Bill and Hillary are coming with us because they aren’t fucking pathetic. “Trolls” like me will probably spend the next few days drudging through your archives finding all the times you said Obama would lose to McCain. Most of you hacks used this as your justification for backing HRC at first, and now is the time individuals with legitimate political acumen will ridicule you. Thanks for the months of comic relief. Hopefully, you’ll have a good time watching Palin run the state of Alaska into the ground. It’s the Blackhouse now!